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Google amazingly goes mobile for Alexander Calder's 113th birthday

A piece of kinetic art took the place of the usual Google logo to celebrate the 113th birthday of American artist and sculptor Alexander Calder.

Friday's Google doodle shows a mobile, a type of kinetic sculpture that was invented by Alexander Calder. Mobiles take advantage of the principle of equilibrium and have objects hanging from rods. Kinetic art uses motion for an artistic effect.

Mobiles are usually brightly coloured free-moving creations in abstract shapes made from sheet metal. The mobile Google doodle sways on its own and can also be controlled by mouse gestures.

Calder was born on July 22, 1898 in Lawnton, US to a family of artists. While his father and grandfather were both sculptors, his mother was a painter.

He graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 1919. He then took art lessons. After a brief career in commercial art, Calder moved to Paris and put up an exhibition of a miniature circus with toy-like animals made of wood and wire. In Paris he formed associations with renowned artists and their influence helped him shape his art.

Calder was also a jewellery designer, an interest that developed when he was fashioning a wedding ring for his marriage with Louisa Cushing James. Besides his sculptures, Calder also illustrated a number of books. Besides mobiles, he also earned a name with stabiles, a type of stationary abstract sculptures.

With the years Calder also scaled up the size of his mobile and stabile installations. Calder died at the age of 78 on November 11, 1976. Two months after his death, Calder was honoured with United States' highest civilian honour, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Interactive and animated Google doodles have now become a regular feature on the Google home page. The last such doodle was during the total lunar eclipse of June 15-16 when Google put up its first live doodle that refreshed itself every two minutes to reflect the stage of the moon.

For a dozen years, Google has been occasionally swapping its everyday logo for a doodle, a sketch celebrating holidays, inventions, artists and sporting events, and showcasing designs from contest-winning students.
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UNESCO declares Indian National Anthem is best!

A month ago an sms was received stating, “News to be proud for every Indian! Our national anthem has been declared best anthem in the world by UNESCO! Pass this sms to all Indians. Jai Hind!" The point is, who is UNESCO to decide which nation’s national anthem is the best? Every citizen of every nation is proud of their national anthem. And do we need some foreign body / organization to declare that our national anthem is the best and only then we are going to feel proud about being an Indian? It's high time that we all Indians should be patriotic about our country without any third party / organization / nation's recommendation! And it's a sincere request to all, not to fall prey to such sms campaigns! Be always a proud Indian!
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How to Install Tally 9

Method 1:
  1. Click INSTALL.EXE from the CD

Method 2:
  1. Click START from Windows
  2. Select RUN
  3. TYPE <CD drive>:\INSTALL
  4. Press ENTER
The Tally 9 Setup Wizard is displayed.

Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to install Tally.

1. Click Next to continue

2. The Installation wizard displays the License Agreement

3. Read the license agreement before you proceed. Click I Agree to continue. Click I Decline to stop the set-up or click Back to go to the previous screen

4. In the Installation screen, you may accept the suggested directories. Else, click Change Application Directory or Change Data Directory or Change Configuration Directory or Change Language Directory to change the respective directory paths. Use Tab or the mouse to change the path in any of the directories

Application Directory

The Tally program files reside in this directory.

Data Directory

The Tally data resides in this directory.

The default directory where data is stored is C:\Tally\Data. To change click on Change Data Directory button and enter the new directory.

When Tally is installed in a directory with an earlier version, it detects and retains the data configuration path of the previous installation.

Configuration Directory

Tally configuration files reside in this directory.

You can specify the path of the directory where the configuration files should be saved. It is usually the same path as the Application Directory.

Language Directory

Tally Language files (.dct) reside in this directory.

You can specify the path of the directory where the Language files will be maintained. It is usually the same path as that of the Application Directory.

Note: If you are a Multi-License User, select the Run Tally License Server at Windows Startup check box
5. Click Install Operating System Language Support to enable Language Support

6. Select your Country name in Country Selection

7. Select the Initial Startup Language from the list. When you start Tally for the first time, Tally will appear in the language selected as the Initial Startup Language

8. Click Install

The installation progress status is displayed as shown below.

9. Insert Windows CD to install language or Browse for the i386 folder in your system

Note: You will be prompted to install the i386 language support folder only if it is not available in your system

10. Click OK to install Language Support

11. Click Finish to complete Setup

You are now ready to use Tally. You can click the Tally program icon on the desktop.

Enjoy the Power!
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Firefox 5.0 versus Chrome 12.0 – which is better ?

#1 Features :

Firefox 5 has arrived with lot of changes and features such as ‘Do not track’, which allows users to control – how their behavior and data are being tracked or used on the internet. Firefox 5.0 has focused on adding social and useful features (such as PDF Viewer, Sync etc,) related to common desktop users that was already available in its competitor web browsers such as Chrome. Features can be easily added by means of plugins – and Firefox has a number of useful plugins available free to use.

Important features of Firefox 5.0

  • Do not Track
  • Social sharing options
  • PDF Viewer
  • MP3 Player
  • Small home icon
  • Colored search (engine) bars
  • Improved sync feature
  • Multiple account login

On the other hand Google chrome has also added a lot of new and exciting features in vs 12.0. It has already most of the features implemented, what Firefox got now, Google has continuously trying to add cutting edge – innovative features to chrome. eg HTML 5 performance/support, hardware accelerated 3D CSS (which allow developers to create better animation effects in the browser, e.g in browser based games) etc. Plugins are available but the number is very less and it’s not so useful as compare to Firefox, despite of having better plugin architecture than Firefox. Firefox Wins in this case.

Some important features include -

  • Malicious file download protection
  • Hardware accelerated 3D CSS support
  • Improved screen reader support

#2 Performance :

Firefox performs well in Windows and Mac based OS but it sucks when it comes to Linux based operating system, After the major release of Firefox (I mean after version 4.0), we expected better performance on Linux distros such as Ubuntu or Fedora, but things got bad, surely it’s not better than before. If you will use any plugin, then the performance is extremely bad.

On the other hand, Google Chrome rocks on Linux based OS as well as on Windows and Mac. The performance is quite well as compared to Firefox, on Ubuntu or other Linux based operating system. Chrome Wins!

#3 Stability :

Firefox often hangs if a number of tabs is open (specially on GNU/Linux) wile Chrome is stable. So Google Chrome is far stable than Firefox. Chrome wins in this case.

#4 Security :

Both are secure but chrome had added some special features to protect users from downloading malwares or other infected files. Firefox seems better!

#5 Speed :

Firefox has improved speed a lot, because speed is the most dominant factor while choosing the browser for common purposes. Firefox supports HTTP pipelining which can improve the browsers speed a lot but it may cause instability, while chrome doesn’t support this. Google Chrome is fast from the beginning! Google chrome has added some advanced functionality such as Pre DNS fetching (The links pointed (from the current page) to other domain names are resolved before the user clicks on that link), Loading pages before the completion of URL in address bar etc, to improve the surfing speed. Chrome Wins!
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Mark Zuckerburg is the most popular user on Google+ 

Just days after the launch of Google+ it has become clear who is the king of social networking:  none other than Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, the most popular Google plus user.  He bested Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin by a long shot.  As noted on TechCrunch, Zuckerberg already has the “most friends in the world” and they did make a movie about him.  Never-the-less, I doubt the Googlers never anticipated his rise to the top of their soon-to-be social networking empire.
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Google doodle marks the 450th anniversary of Saint Basil's Cathedral

Google marks the 450th anniversary of Moscow's Saint Basil's Cathedral with a commemorative doodle on its home page. Known by various names, including the Cathedral of the Protection of Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat, Saint Basil the Blessed, Pokrovsky Cathedral, Russian Svyatoy Vasily Blazhenny and Pokrovsky Sobo, it was built by Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) to commemorate Russia's victories over Kazan and Astrakhan.
The construction of the Russian Orthodox church began in 1554 and was completed in 1561. Originally named the Holy Trinity Cathedral, over the centuries it became known as the place where St. Basil is buried. The church is located at Red Square, the centre of the city of Moscow.
Russia will celebrate the 450th anniversary of St. Basil's Cathedral by opening an exhibition dedicated to the so-called "holy fool" who gave his name to the soaring structure of bright-hued onion domes that is a quintessential image of Russia.
Google doodle marks the 450th anniversary of Saint Basil's Cathedral
The eccentrically devout St. Basil wore no clothes even during the harsh Russian winters and was one of the very few Muscovites who dared to lambast tyrannical Czar Ivan the Terrible.
Ivan, whose gory purges claimed tens of thousands of lives, feared St. Basil as "a seer of people's hearts and minds," according to one chronicle. He personally carried St. Basil's coffin to a grave right outside the Kremlin. The cathedral, constructed to commemorate Ivan's victory over Mongol rulers, was built on the burial site.
The structure was designed by two Russian architects, Posnik and Barma. Some sources, though, attribute it to an Italian architect who was blinded after the completion so that he could never build anything as majestic again. The structure got its vivid colours, in which we can see it today, in several stages from the 1680s to 1840s.
The building was severely shelled during the 1917 Bolshevik takeover of the Kremlin and was patched up during the subsequent civil war and famine.
Early Communist leaders - who persecuted countless clerics of all faiths and destroyed tens of thousands of religious buildings - wanted St. Basil's dynamited as it blocked the way to military parades, and only the cathedral's conversion into a museum saved it.
A century earlier, Napoleon Bonaparte also ordered St. Basil's blown up during his army's hasty retreat from Moscow in 1812, but a heavy rain put down the burning fuses.
The design of its nine onion-shaped, multicoloured domes combine the traditions of Russian wooden architecture with Byzantine and Islamic influences into a unique structure.
Batalov said the restoration focused on recreating the way the building looked by the late 17th century, when the nine domes were united by a wraparound floor.
By that time, St. Basil's became a symbolic New Jerusalem and the center of Palm Sunday walks, when the Moscow Patriarch approached it sitting on a donkey to recreate Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem.
Google occasionally swaps its logo for an artistic doodle These Google doodles have gained immense popularity over the past few years and the Google doodle team has put out commemorative doodles on numerous events of international or national importance, ranging from news events, civic milestones, birthdays, death anniversaries and important dates in history.
Apart from the static image doodles Google also puts up animated and interactive doodles. The last interactive doodle was to celebrate the 96th birthday of the country and jazz guitarist, songwriter and inventor, Les Paul. 

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Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg 'invades' Google Plus

Barely has Google+ —the search giant's answer to Facebook— gotten off the ground, that it received a most unexpected 'visit' from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Tech site CNET reported that at least three profiles bearing Zuckerberg's name had appeared on Google+, one labeled as "Fake Zuckerberg," and two as "Mark Zuckerberg."

As of Friday, it said that the "fake" Zuckerberg and one of the two "Mark Zuckerberg" profiles appeared to have been short-lived.

However, the "remaining" Zuckerberg profile appeared to be still up, with no posts.

"The second Mark Zuckerberg profile, put up shortly after the first was taken down, is harder to dismiss. The non-smiling profile picture--an apparent cell phone or a Webcam shot--is not easily found elsewhere. A TinEye search turned up only the Zuckerberg Google+ profile image," CNET reported.

CNET also quoted a Google spokesperson as saying that Google does not authenticate users at this time.

"As with many of our products, we rely on our users and the community to report any impersonations. We then review these reports and act accordingly. You can try to determine if someone is who they claim to be by viewing their profile, posts, etc. Or if you know them, you can contact them directly," it quoted the spokesperson as saying.

CNET also said that Facebook has not responded to its requests to verify the second Zuckerberg Google+ profile.
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Upgrade to Joomla 1.6 or stick with J1.5?

content construction for joomla

There has been a lot of confusion around Joomla 1.6 recently. After 3 years of heavy coding this major upgrade has been finally released in early 2011. Right now many users are wondering what 3rd party support for J1.6 will look like in the next months. Does it make any sense to start a website in J1.6 at the moment? How long should I wait until making any movements for my clients?

This is how the development plan for coming Joomla core versions look like. Based on that it might be easier for you to make judgements whether and when to upgrade or build new sites in J1.6 for your clients.

Andrew Eddie, Joomla co-founder and core developer stated following on Joomla's people portal:
Finally, the developer portal outlines the new development strategy that is now in process:
In summary what this means is:

Maintenance Till
Joomla 1.5
Jan 2008
Apr 2012
Joomla 1.6
Jan 2011
Aug 2011
Joomla 1.7 (Bowerbird)
Jul 2011
Feb 2012
Joomla 1.8 (Cool Name?)
Jan 2012
Long Term Support

  • Joomla will release a new version of the CMS every 6 months, starting from Jan 2011 (the 1.6 release).
  • We are actually in the Joomla 1.7 (Bowerbird) development phase.
  • Development contributions for 1.7 are currently being accepted and should be made via the JFT, either by patch or referring to a branch.
  • Nobody can say what will be in Joomla 1.7 until the JFT is analysed and contributions are accepted.
  • Developers have the option of working on features that may take longer than six months to develop and target a future version (eg, skip contributions for a major feature in 1.7 because there simply isn't enough time and aim for 1.8).
Developers who are concerned about the magnitude of change should monitor the JFT closely to ensure there are no surprises that affect them. Given there is less than 3 months left to accept contributions for 1.7 (and these must be in fully working condition), it is likely that 1.7 will be a very "light" upgrade from 1.6.
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